Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

Indah Kalalo Natural Model girl

Indah Kalalo is sexy model from indonesia
Indah Kalalo Photo tdk BugilIndah Kalalo have unique face that make she famous
Indah Kalalo Photo tdk Bugil
Indah Kalalo Photo tdk BugilIndah Kalalo have thin body, not sexy
Indah Kalalo Photo tdk Bugil
Name: Indah Mayang Indriyani
Stage Name: Indah Kalalo
Place / Date of Birth: Jakarta, 30 August 1980
High / Weight Loss: 171/53
Children to / from: 5 out of 5 brothers
Father Name: Suyadi propagator
Mother’s Name: Rose Kalalo
Hobbies: dancing

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